Thousands of dollars go unclaimed every year in financial aid due to landowners not knowing about it. We have compiled all the grants available for environmental landowner initiatives in Ontario.
Grey-Bruce Program
This program assists farmers in implementing and funding projects to produce ecosystem services while maintaining active agriculture.
Huron County Clean Water Project
This program offers grants for water quality projects by landowners.
Cover Crop Boost Program
This program offers grants of up to $40/acre for farmers in the Main Bayfield watershed who plant cover crops when the Cover Crop Boost grant program is paired with funding from the Huron County Clean Water Project.
Birds Canada Community Fund
This program provides grants up to $25,000 (on average $2,000-8,000 for 1-year projects) for projects that: a) contribute to our understanding of birds in their natural environment, b) increase appreciation of birds and their habitats among people in Canada, and/or c) advance the conservation of birds in Canada.
Water Quality and Habitat Improvement Program
This program provides financial support for landowners to undertake water quality and habitat improvement projects on their properties.
Tree Planting Program
This program assists landowners with acquiring funding and support for afforestation, riparian, windbreak, and restoration programs.
Rainwater Conservation Fund
This program supports urban landowner projects, greenhouse projects, and nursery projects that divert and infiltrate rainwater into the ground on the landowners property.
Tree Planting Program
In this program, Conservation Sudbury will work directly with landowners to determine site eligibility, create a planting plan, allocate funding, and design and coordinate planting.
Landowner Action Fund
This program provides grants of 30-100% of the project cost and technical assistance to landowners for projects that restore or enhance land habitat and biodiversity, aquatic habitat, and/or water quality of wetlands, streams and ponds.
Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program
This program provides a 40% reimbursement (up to $600) toward an approved Managed Forest Plan for landowners who have qualified for Ontario’s Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program.
Wetland Restoration Program
This program provides restoration for wetlands through providing technical assistance and funding.
Clean Water-Green Spaces Program
This program provides grants of up to 90% of project costs to qualifying landowners to implement projects which will help improve local water quality, reduce soil erosion, and increase natural areas cover.
50 Million Tree Program
This program's goal is to increase forest cover by making tree planting easier and more affordable for property owners and municipalities.
Clean Water-Healthy Land Financial Assistance Program
This program provides technical and financial assistance to landowners for projects that conserve, restore, or enhance the watershed and environment.
Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign
This program provides landowners with a grant of 80-90% of the planting cost of trees planted along the Highway of Heroes to honour Canada's veterans and fallen heroes.
Rural Water Quality Program
This program provides grants to landowners undertaking projects to protect water quality on their land.
Stewardship Grants
This program provides grants for stewardship programs on farm land including cover crops, livestock exclusion fencing, alternative watering systems, barn eavestroughing, and tree planting.
Water Quality and Habitat Improvement Program (WQHIP)
This program provides guidance for landowners wanting to undertake projects which improve water quality and/or habitat. This includes help designing the project and if eligible, financial assistance.
Kawartha Water Fund
This program provides funding, knowledge, and technical support to landowners and not-for-profit community organizations located in the Kawartha Conservation watershed to implement projects that have the potential to positively impact water quality and ecosystem health.
Clean Water Initiative
This program provides grants of up to 50% of the total project cost (up to $4,000) for landowners to undertake projects which will benefit the Kettle Creek watershed.
Rural/Agricultural Funding
Through this program, funding of 50-100% of the cost up to $20,000 is provided for a variety of projects which benefit the environment while improving productivity on rural and agricultural lands.
Tree Planting Program
This is a full-service tree planting program which offers 50-100% project cost compensation up to $10,000, customized tree planting plans, technical advice, and inexpensive tree planting services.
Landowner Services
This program provides funding for a variety of projects such as cover crops, tree planting, restoration (e.g., forest, wetland), and rural water quality improvement.
Habitat Restoration Grant
This program provides grants for landowners to undertake Tallgrass Prairie, Wetland, and Tree Plantations.
Erosion Control Grant
This program provides funding for projects which combat streambank erosion.
Elgin Clean Water Program
This program provides grants for up to 50% of costs (up to $4,000) for projects which protect and improve water quality and habitat conditions.
Environmental Farm Plan Program
Those who have taken the course are eligible for funding for windbreaks, shelter belts, and many other environmental upgrades to your property.
Grant Stewardship Program
This program provides technical advice and grants to landowners for 50-100% of the cost of a variety of stewardship projects up to $7,500.
Stream Buffer Planting Program
This program provides funding for streamside planting projects in the watershed.
Huron County Clean Water Project
This program provides grants for up to 50% of the costs (up to $4,000 in some cases) for projects which improve and protect water quality.
Wellington Rural Water Quality Project
This program provides funding and technical assistance to landowners who have completed an Environmental Farm Plan.
Tree Planting Program
This program provides assistance developing a planting plan for your property as well as provides the trees to fulfill that plan.
Tree Rebate Program
This program offers a 25% Rebate on eligible purchases of Native Maple trees.
The Ottawa Rural Clean Water Program (ORCWP)
This program provides free advice and grants up to $15,000 to improve surface and ground water quality.
Restoration Grant Program
This program offers a grant to watershed residents for restoration programs related to livestock restrictions/crossings, conservation farm practices, tree planting/woodlands, aquatic and terrestrial habitat, nutrient management, water conservation, and cover crops.
Healthy Waters Incentive Program
This program provides landowners and community groups with funding and technical assistance for environmental projects on their land.
Rural Water Quality Program
This program provides grant incentives for landowners in Dufferin County to improve and protect water quality.
Forestry Program
This program provides professional tree planting services and grants to landowners throughout the Nottawasaga Watershed.
OSCIA Grants Program
The OSCIA grants are available to local and regional associations to support events and activities that provide opportunities to transfer knowledge and share experience with new technologies, production practices and sustainability.
OSCIA Cost-Share Programs
Includes several cost-share funding programs that support Ontario’s farmers in implementing best management and sustainability practices on their farms.
Ontario On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF)
This program provides cost-share funding to farmers to support the implementation of best management practices (BMPs) to tackle climate change through reducing emissions of GHGs and supporting increased carbon sequestration.
Natural Edge Shoreline Planting Program
This program provides a free (confidential) site visit, the creation of a customized shoreline-planting plan, and Ontario native trees, shrubs and wildflowers.
Tree Seedling & Planting Program
This program provides a subsidized tree planting program for landowners.
Bay of Quinte Remedial Action Plan Programs
This program offers cost-sharing incentives for livestock fencing, erosion/water quality improvement, waterway plantings, cover crops, and soil testing.
Tree Planting Program
This program offers incentives to enhance forest cover, mitigate natural hazards such as flooding and erosion, improve water quality, and conserve and restore sensitive ecological habitat.
Rural Clean Water Grants
This program provides grants of up to $15,000 to farmers and rural residents to improve water quality in our local rivers, streams and creeks by reducing pollution and the volume of water running off the land.
Shoreline Naturalization Program
This program offers a rebate of up to 90% of costs for a custom planting plan, technical guidance, project management and, of course, planting assistance.
Tree Planting Program
This program offers significant subsidies to cover the planning, planting and maintenance of rural tree planting projects.
Water Well Improvement Program
This program provides funding for properly decommissioned and upgraded water wells.
Clean Water Program
This program offers grants of $1,000-$8,000 to landowners undertaking projects which improve water quality.
Tree Replacement Program
This program provides cost-sharing resources to assist landowners within the City of Ottawa, with the removal and replacement of trees on private property affected by invasive species (e.g., Emerald Ash Borer) or damaged by extreme weather events (e.g., May 2022 derecho storm). This funding will support the removal of infected or damaged trees and replacement with native tree(s).
Ottawa Rural Clean Water Program
This program provides grants for 50-90% of costs (up to $15,000) for landowners to implement projects which reduce the risk of contaminating water from non-point source pollution.
Healthy Watersheds Project
This program provides technical assistance and funding to offset the cost of implementing Best Management Practices and stewardship projects related to improving water quality and quantity, fish and wildlife habitat, Species at Risk habitat, and implementing native species planting projects (reforestation, tall grass prairie).
Rural Clean Water Program
This program offers grants for 50-80% of project costs for farm or rural non-farm landowners who implement projects to construct new structures, upgrade or repair existing structures, and/or enhance land resources.
Private Land Planting Program
This program offers grants for up to 90% of project costs and full service planting services for landowners with at least 2 acres of land.
National Greening Program
This program offers financial assistance for projects that plant trees on areas formerly used for crop rotation, meadows, grasslands, riparian areas, and/or woodlands that could use enhancement. Eligible properties must have a minimum area for planting of 4 hectares (i.e., 10 acres).
Clean Water Program
This program is a collaborative effort between municipalities to help improve and protect water quality in Oxford County, Middlesex County and Perth County through providing technical & financial assistance for projects that improve and protect water quality.