Though your education is integral to the success of your career, becoming certified or obtaining a membership with an organization in your field sets you apart and adds credentials to your name.
With this organization you can achieve certification as an Ontario Land Surveyor (OLS). To learn more visit
With this organization you can achieve certification as a Professional Geoscientist (P.Geo) or Geoscientist in Training (GIT). To learn more visit
With this organization you can achieve certification as a Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner (CERP) or Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner In-Training (CERPIT). To learn more visit
With this organization you can achieve certification as a Certified Inspector of Sediment and Erosion Control (CISEC). To learn more visit
With this organization you can achieve certification as a Certified GIS Professional (GISP). To learn more visit
With this organization you can achieve certification as a Certified Seed Collector. To learn more visit
With this organization you can achieve certification as a Heritage Professional. To learn more visit
With this organization you can achieve certification as a Registered Professional Forester/Forester in Training (R.P.F./R.P.F. in Training), Professional Forester (P. For.), or Associate Registered Professional Forester (Associate R.P.F.). To learn more visit
With this organization you can achieve certification as an Applied Science Technologist (AScTs), Certified Technician (CTech), or Registered Fire Protection Technicians (RFPT) if you practice in British Columbia or the Yukon. To learn more visit
This organization offers 6 ISA Certified credentials: Arborist, Arborist Utility Specialist, Arborist Municipal Specialist, Tree Climber, Tree Worker Aerial Lift Specialist, and Board Certified Master Arborist. To learn more visit